nose issues.. is this allergic rhinitis? or infection?
since a week or more, the nose and cough issues have risen a bit in Mumbai. each time someone blows nose in, doesnt mean that its allergy. commonly most kids and adults get nose cough issues following viral fever. such viral cough cold often comes with fever at onset and cold is in the form of runny nose white or thin but not as thin as allergic rhinitis. though there is little sneezing and throat discomfort, its much less than seen in allergic rhinitis. Often viral fevers are associated with little change in speech or voice, either it becomes nasal.. or it becomes hoarse. whatever it is... all settles in a week or so unless complicated. Allergic rhinitis is almost opposite entity.. sneezing and itching in nose or throat is almost always there in allergic rhinitis. runny nose can be thinnner and more continuous but at fixed time slots or on exposure to allergic item. this is not contagious. So if someone is continuously sneezing, practically he is not suffering from infection. the treatment differs.. Often allergic rhinitis can be associated with chest tightness/breathlessness or stuffy chest called asthma or asthma like diseases. appetite series: topic 1, post 1
1.why do a parent feel his/her child has no appetite? 2why does a mother feel her milk is not enough for baby? 3.why does a parent feel... why his/her child is not growing well? will be upcoming topics. 1.1 Today lets understand why does a parent feel his /her child has no appetite. Most often, feeling of child not having appetite is a subjective/personal interpretation by parent or neighbourhood by observing look behaviour or feeding or diet pattern of child, most parents expect their child to eat heavily on nutritious standard and bland the perception - that heavy (healthy) diet will keep you strong and protect from diseases. so its not unusual to see parents forcing lots of vegetables fruits , 2 glass of milk a day and two chapati/breads three times a day. when they donot find their child eating as per their expectations, parents feel the child is not having appetite. Such a situation may also be because: 1.parents feeling of child not growing well (cause not found) 2.child really not growing well 3.child likes selective food/ diet which is not provided 4.child has problem in digestion/ excretion like say indigestion, constipation 5.infections mainly due to throat / tonsil and gut infections, TB nutritional deficiencies 6. real lack of appetite Of this, the last one is really rare and in almost all cases there is no clear need for appetite inducing medicines like cyproheptadine and may need serious evaluations. 1. parents feeling child not growing well: this is often a comparative interpretation, but if the doctor has checked weight and height of child and if its appropriate and if there is no illness often most doctors will advice on exercise, and balanced diet to maintain same growth pattern. i do appreciate parents concern,because these are the cases where the hidden reasons are not obvious and often after detailed history, a doctor may be able to find a reason for parents perceptions and specific treatment is likely to show results by treating the cause. 2. child really not growing well: continued in next post.. pls wait for same. from 12/9/2014 skin rash in children: chicken pox measles or allergy or is it hand foot mouth virus?Read
Skin rash with fever in kids. Getting rational!@ Allergy does cause an itchy swollen rash... often without fever and at times may progress to respiratory discomfort.. and hence need to be promotly understood treated and prevented. Common allergies are related to diet protein nut/egg/oats/milk/fish etc Around winter.. three types of viral rashes are often seen. Although any viral fever including dengue fever can rash; the viral rash is often strongly described and seen with measles and chicken pox and hand foot mouth disease. Commonest of these 3 being hand foot mouth disease HFMD... is the mildest of all and often may not need any specific measures unless has bad oral sores or complications. Its easy to know that HFMD rash is small reddish mini fluid bumps and doesnt affect trunk or back and often has a mouth sore. Fever may be short and mild. All may disappear in two weeks though can spread very fast. Chicken pox on other hand appears more dreadful and scary rash. It has high fever at onset with trunk lesions and takes three days to spread over rest of body. Different sizes and stages of small to large fluid bumps called vesicles in different stages at a time and each bump surely scarring in a week; and no new bumps beyond ten days since onset is most likely chicken pox. It can cause complications like acute pneumonia. Rash of HFMD is discrete-small and in measles bumps are very small size and in 'chicken pox and measles' heavily spread all over body. Measles rash is more common in kids who have skipped measles vaccine of 10 month age. Rash is fine sand like but red; starting in neck with high fever and spreading all over body in two days. Fever settles by three days and rash in a week without any scar. If u see WOUNDS or scar.. surely its not measles. Measles causes fall in immunity and has serious complications like pneumonia or TB to follow over a month. Its important not to panic; but understand the disease course and visit a doctor earliest. Read danger signs and basic care in viral fever at Remember if child refuses feed even twice or prefers to lie down more than six hours without sleep.. it may be a sign for hospital based observation. There are tens of viruses and bacteria that cause a large variety of rashes. This is just an awareness basic. from |
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