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"When you feel you tried all "this & that", but still nowhere; I suggest you to virtually retrospect and look out for the "clue" that is missed... surely you will find one. its human to "miss and mistake"; don't hold a doctor responsible for it. Leaving hopes leaves you nowhere." Dr Kondekar. Whatsapp91-9869405747 PRE-PAID CHAT
A Doctor Cant be Your Enemy, unless you make him One! Trust your doctor; have faith.
A doctor will lose faith and feel legally insecure when treating a patient unless you give legal immunity to the doctor. Judgement of a doctor depends on his personal.knowledge belief and experience. if the patient or relative has any questions you get addressed but if u doubt your doctor.. its better you quit the doctor. all because legal insecurities make a doctor behave like a machine or clerk to just keep on maintaining records or manipulating them for legal safety and at times under treating or over treating a patient for legal safety... all this will in turn may affect the outcome of patient... and can be more harmful than otherwise when the doctor would have been at his natural best. READ DISCLAIMER*
Download Breathing diary, our immunisation chart timetable, dr sk curriculum vitae CV,android health advice application/app/apk for mobile 2014,various links to dr's TV shows, chats, blogs and more than 4000 free online answers.. free consultation scheme etc ..MORE*****
Dengue Fevers
Dengue fever in Mumbai.click to read more Care in Viral Fevers.. .. click to read APPLE for health? Not always!@click on apple. Milestone delayed? growth delay? developmental delay? click here Swine flu H1N1 flu basic understanding: Lecture presentation by Dr Kondekar Rash in children: allergy, chicken pox, measles or is it hand foot mouth disease? click here Vaccines? Lets be Transparent.. CHART LINK Lots of benefits.. to companies and doctors.. but much more to patient/child who takes it. Why all vaccines are efficient but are not sufficient? Why there are many schedules with different doctor? Why all vaccines are not free? So many pricks? will there be autism? Deaths with vaccines? Homeopaths are against vaccines? how true? Ask. Download a schedule at this site. do you know recently dTaP vaccine is replaced by dTwP for india? ASK Diaper Dermatitis or Nappy rash now no worries.. click here for secrets Are you scared of Antibiotics?
The nomenclature of the word antibiotic, fools people around to call it a drug meant to kill a life. So i wont be surprised how vegans and promoters of nonviolence are against antibiotics and start loving probiotics. Probiotics are good for sure but isnt THE lifeline. When someone is attacking you- best way is to counter attack - as defense is not likely to be enough. But dont get into a misunderstanding that each infection will require antibiotic.Eighty percent of infections are viral and antibiotics have limited role. Also, each organism / bacteria attacking your body is likely to be different in different situation. So "any" antibiotics is not useful in a random. Leave the judgement to doctors what when where. trust your doctor when he or she prescribes an antibiotic. Also Do not force your doctor for an antibiotic prescription when he maynot wish to start on. each antibiotic comes with a predefined course/ sideeffects, and doctors can make it flexible depending on diagnosis and not at your wish. Remember your doctor too will be worried or scared of some drugs and their side effects which can at times be life threatening. ASK why is my child not hungry or has no appetite?
appetite series: topic 1, post 1 1.why do a parent feel his/her child has no appetite? 2why does a mother feel her milk is not enough for baby? 3.why does a parent feel... why his/her child is not growing well? will be upcoming topics. taken from my fb page read more |
Children are delicate,immature and vulnerable. Plight and sufferings of children are not obvious,visible,felt and perceived by parents and doctors easily. And hence are likely to be easily confused, misdiagnosed, mistreated if not properly understood.
Dr Kondekar primarily helps you understand the children,their diseases,their treatment and doctors... in a human way so that kids will have early improvement with least sufferings. ASK Concerns of "doctor" and concerns of "patient" differ case to case!@ Please ask your concerns and also understand what your doctor will be concerned about. 91-9869405747 As much possible avoid calling. ONLY sms for appointments/ comments email address, android application at above download link. Dr Kondekar is Board certified MD DNB and has done advanced fellowship in medical education technology and reserach GSMC FAIMER Mumbai. For more about Dr kondekar, Please google for same. All diarrheas are not same… click to read more
They are caused by infections and many times without infections.Blood or mucus in stool can be dysentery. All sticky stools are not dysentery. All loose motions don;t cause dehydration. All motions need not be watery. Causes of diarrhea are different at different ages too. Apart from causes-- pattern of diarrhea is also important. Some are watery and some with less water. Some are sticky and some with blood. Some do have serious reason under it. Some do cause serious complications. in summary a common medicine or formula can not be applied to a case of diarrhea without knowing above details. Zinc is heavily marketed for diarrhea. Do we need it? So is loperamide.. does it harm? What is the role of Yoga, Ayurveda, Panchkarm, Diet, Naturotherapy, Magnet therapy, reiki?
surprised to see these words at this site? All these sciences i donot promote as a "stand alone" therapy because they cannot be THE cure, alone in any case. In fact these sciences are day to day life. Yoga,Diet,nature are part of life and life should also be a part of it on periodic basis for better health. These will theer fore be maintenance science and should not be taken as THE Therapy alone. Modern medicine is amalgamation of all these sciences that show collective effect. What to ask a doctor when you seek
online medical advice? video linkAsthma is not As-thma! Asthma care in Diwali/festivals click here HRAD A lot of taboo with this tag, name spoils the game. What it means is just an airway spasm or narrowing. Any infection can make it go so, allergies keep recurring. Understand an easy way to Tackle for Sure.. find a link at top and search google for breathing diary Kondekar. Understand nanotherapy with homeopathic modification of allopathic definite fast cure. Ask for 100 day therapy. ASK How does a doctor know that an episode of fever is viral, malaria, typhoid, pneumonia or dengue? or TB, else? Must know Fever Cure! Treating fever has never been this easy, read the article at this site, do discuss with your doctor when he choses paracetamol tylenol, motrin ibuprofen, mefenamic acid and or combinations. Do ask risks and why - when and when not ... How does a doctor know that an episode of fever is viral, malaria,typhoid,pneumonia or dengue? or else? Dont hesitate to put up a question here. Why not Ask. What to ask a doctor when you seek online medical advice? video link My Breast Milk Not Enough For my Baby? Why? What to do? Common Complaint. Common misunderstanding. And how all this results in wrong feeding practices to tender newborns.. commonly around 2 month age. No, I am not talking of a new formula, but a trick to improve your breast feeding confidence, clearing misunderstandings. Remember: "Not Enough Milk" is extremely rare problem and rarely a mother stops talking about it. Read at www.infantfeeding.blogspot.com or ASK A Q Hard stools? skip Milk!? infants fed on formula, nuts, animal milk, hard grains. grain fruits. often tend to be constipated. how to soften stools? why routine syrups fail? why do some kids need medicines through rectum? what is 100 day therapy and Sure Cure for Constipation? Do not forget to ask the doc.What most doctors do, please read at this site. Hirschprung Constipation need surgery? Can TB cause constipation? Ask. ASK Epilepsy? Fits? Misguided? Each fit is not epilepsy requiring long term medicines. All patients do not need years on therapy. A fit can be as unnoticable as a twitch or flicker. Read details at the site. Do not forget to ask how doctors diagnose, treat, plan therapy. Understand why Onions,shoes, and ether will not work for fits.. but may do so for hysteria. Ask. INFANT FEEDING RELATED QUERIES? VISIT WWW.INFANTFEEDING.BLOGSPOT.COM
Dr Kondekar, Online Paediatrician offers Expert Opinions, Diagnostic Therapeutic Services, Advice on Immunisation Feeding Infections and difficult issues including various system diseases. Disclaimer: The information at this site or communication is for understanding only, treatment option suggested here is one of the many possibilities arising out of Limited Given Situation and so should not be construed as medical advice for prescription bvy any chance. Rights to answer a query are reserved with Dr Kondekar. ask your doc at my blogger page .. free online medical advice. MUHS TEACHER ID 17433_KONDEKAR for PG student . [email protected] http://goo.gl/yhQw6G MMC Speaker ID 091
The website is by all means designed coded and optimised by Dr Kondekar.
If you are a medico or doctor visiting this site:: Please visit www.peditips.com or www.pediatricianonline.in for advanced queries or solutions.when you are in the same field it is important to mention as doctor can use medical jargon with you. ASK A QUESTION
Cough.. cough.. cough.. acute subacute chronic persistent repeated? asthmatic? bronchitis? ASK
confused coughing about this to various doctors? Read here or ask cough specialist Dr Kondekar... read further about algorithm of cough diagnosis at www.breathingdiary.com All cough is not asthma and all asthmatics need not cough. Cough can be a part of allergy or reflux disease/acidity too. At times it is habitual... wonderful isnt it? But that's what decides therapy. emergency?super emergency? in medical practice. A parent should address the complaints, and also a doctor should infer and explain the complaints under following aspects: concern, worry, seriousness, energency and super emergency (life/ability risk) read more |
Fever Cough, cold, Flu? is it flu? will it need antibiotics?
Viral fevers of respiratory system are called flu. Flu is something that comes with nose throat symptoms and fever may be optional. if it gets to chest, there is danger of pneumonias and also serious issues.
In typical viral flu, fever may be there for a day or two at beginning and later runny nose or stuffy nose for two days... as nose starts settling cough pics up and may last for a week. Child intake gets reduced adding another danger.
Often A dr will add a fever treating medicine in beginning with an antihistaminic combination for few days and as cough starts the medicines may be switched over to cough syrups; which may be sedatives and if there is more night cough bronchodilator cough syrups may be needed.
Antibiotics may become essential if Dr thinks about a bacterial disease or complication.
Key to adequate response to therapy is a detailed history, close watch on danger symptoms, Doctor's clinical acumen on picking up signs , deciding appropriate therapy based on current flu strains in community added the experience. Doses matter a lot in kids and cough syrups come with caution of life threatening dangers. Doses of drugs and compliance of patient decidesthe response. click for ask/details.
Please visit a doctor.
Viral fevers of respiratory system are called flu. Flu is something that comes with nose throat symptoms and fever may be optional. if it gets to chest, there is danger of pneumonias and also serious issues.
In typical viral flu, fever may be there for a day or two at beginning and later runny nose or stuffy nose for two days... as nose starts settling cough pics up and may last for a week. Child intake gets reduced adding another danger.
Often A dr will add a fever treating medicine in beginning with an antihistaminic combination for few days and as cough starts the medicines may be switched over to cough syrups; which may be sedatives and if there is more night cough bronchodilator cough syrups may be needed.
Antibiotics may become essential if Dr thinks about a bacterial disease or complication.
Key to adequate response to therapy is a detailed history, close watch on danger symptoms, Doctor's clinical acumen on picking up signs , deciding appropriate therapy based on current flu strains in community added the experience. Doses matter a lot in kids and cough syrups come with caution of life threatening dangers. Doses of drugs and compliance of patient decidesthe response. click for ask/details.
Please visit a doctor.
Mumbai Child Specialist : Cough, Asthma, TB, Flu, Growth Failure, Cerebral Palsy,Autism,ADHD, Infections, Allergy : India , Pediatrician Online: Understanding Children; their Health Diseases and Doctors; Free Online Medical Advice India