Dr kondekar's model of diet basin and blocked pipe hypothesis
This pdf file for download is prepared from a presentation by dr kondekar at International Pediatric Gastro Hepatology Enterology and Nutrition at jaipur INDIA on Feb 13/2016. |
we all may be having constipation but we may not know it.
what are symptoms of constipation?
many people have a feeling that if you are not able to pass stool for 3 days, you may be constipated. This isn't the only way / complaint with which a child with constipation present. in children, by the time the child skips a day of motion, the process of constipation is already started in gut. And if the same continues, the full blown hard painful stools/ motion may start in next few months.
in children constipation may present as only abdominal or gut or tummy pain/ aches, indigestion or reduced appetite may be early feature of same.
in late stages, parents find child lazy to go and pass stools. sooner child goes to toilet but passes very small stool, hard stool or pellet like stool. With time, in late constipations, there may be abdominal or tummy distension, but the child may go to pass motion repeatedly and pass only a small piece or he may pass stool standing, partial bending, legs crossed.. at times taking longer time. All these may be not known to parents at all.
blood along stools may come as streaky threads with excess straining, and sometimes piles and hernia may result with excess straining.
so if you notice your child healthy, but doesnt eat or drink well, or has non specific tummy aches.. may be the child is likely to develop constipation soon.
why does food or stools get so hard in constipation?
often it is felt that, if you drink less water, stool will get hard. it so happens that large gut has capacity to retain fluid from motions. for example in intestinal infections, gut movements get hurried and as large bowel transit time is reduced, the stools comeout as watery or loose.
Stools or feces get hard if the large bowel transit time is longer.
hard foods are hard to break.. (hard phosphate bonds? hard protein bonds?)
hard to cook..
hard to digest...
hard to dissolve by body enzymes..
hard to absorb...
probably a large excess of this will pass down the gut without digestion/absorption.... and get stuck..
cause constipation...
this is how pomegranate and toor daal and milk casein cause constipation...
There is no need for extra heavy protein supplements in normal healthy people unless body has evidence of low protein.
proteins add to immunity but those which are prepared by body.
sugars like cereals... are
easy to break
easy to cook
easy to digest
easy to absorb...
they are often absorbed with water..
dont cause constipation... help in weight gain.
Fibres are good diet to reduce appetite..
to fill stomach... gut..
as fibres arent absorbed..
nor do they add to calories
so cant cause weight gain..
so excess fibres in diet will reduce carbohydrate consumption so will cause poor weight gain.
most fibres dont absorb water... dont get absorbed and add to stool hardening..
surprising isnt it?
read more about constipation cure at
Drinking less water doesnot cause constipation, constipation gives the feeling of fullness of stomach/tummy so hunger reduces and so does the need for taking good water and food. At times constiaped kids pass lots of urine
stool gets harder if we give/take hard to digest diet.
This being the commonest reason for constipation. Common dietary items, that take longer time to digest ( or cook ) are passed to large gut without digestion in sizable mass, especially when we take such hard diet in good quantity in regular diet and the results: traffic jam.
These hard diets include:
casein (milk protein),
Toor daal,
Dry fruits (especially almonds),
Small seeded fruits like say guava, pomegranate,straw berries, and some fibres
Not too easy to digest fruits like apple,
Iron supplements (only 10% gets absorbed),
Heavy animal proteins like liver and meat (exclude baby chicken and baby fish).
These diets apart from quantity, their hardness or protein phosphates or peptide bonds being not easy to digest by an infant or child or adults... pass to large gut undigested, causing their hardening when further water is absorbed by gut and stools start getting harder and harder.
Most formula feeds are milk based so hasten constipation.
Most protein supplements are taken with milk so hasten stool hardening.
Stopping these heavy diets and switching to carbohydrate, cereal based diet with less pulses will help make stools softer.
Most calcium supplements are phosphates and may further make the stools harder. Go for calcium carbonate supplements.. which may make stools loose.
constipation in newborn or infant although more common in formula fed babies, it may also be seen in exclusively breastfed babies. It may be related to high phosphate and protein content of feeds by baby or mother diet.
A simple way to help in addition is avoid cow or buffalo milk or goat milk if any given to child or baby. If the baby is formula fed, add intermittent water sips between feeds, or replace one feed with water for a week. stools get hard when water content of feeds or stools get lesser or the phosphate content rises.
if the child is growing well along growth charts, then this may be a concern at times if it is asociated with bulging abdomen and in addition if the child makes faces, or appears irritable during feeds or cries at times with abdominal distension, child may be given small amount glycerine suppository (1gm Hallens) by his doctor, alternate day for a week or teo to evacuate colon of the hard stuff, simultaneously working towards making the feeds with enough volume by maing one complete feed full liquid/thin for 10 days. sometimes manual removal of feces may be done by your doctor.
constipation at times is a surgical problem due to soem congenital gut anomalies which may require prompt surgical consultation or a sonography of abdomen.
constipation is a chronic problem in school children, formula feds and who have rich milk intake and low calcium intake.
easiest way to improve is
1. wash of stacked piles of stools by repeated bowel wash/ enema not more than 3 a week under medical supervision till tummy distension goes off.
2. improve water intake not to dilute stools but more to prevent bowel tendency to retain water sensing some lack of water in body. water intake may be increased to 1.5 times of prior intake, again under medical supervision.
3. avoid constipating diet like milk, pomegrande and like others, and those containing high proteins
4.add softening diet like ripe bananas, rice, stool softenere
5. rest all medicines dont do much help in chronic constipations.
6. its always prudent to rule out any bowel obstruction by performing a sonography or barium meal as your doctor may suggest.
Above management is true for dietary constipation, improving activity and exercises add to the good mobility of bowel.
Dr Santosh Kondekar Mumbai
what are symptoms of constipation?
many people have a feeling that if you are not able to pass stool for 3 days, you may be constipated. This isn't the only way / complaint with which a child with constipation present. in children, by the time the child skips a day of motion, the process of constipation is already started in gut. And if the same continues, the full blown hard painful stools/ motion may start in next few months.
in children constipation may present as only abdominal or gut or tummy pain/ aches, indigestion or reduced appetite may be early feature of same.
in late stages, parents find child lazy to go and pass stools. sooner child goes to toilet but passes very small stool, hard stool or pellet like stool. With time, in late constipations, there may be abdominal or tummy distension, but the child may go to pass motion repeatedly and pass only a small piece or he may pass stool standing, partial bending, legs crossed.. at times taking longer time. All these may be not known to parents at all.
blood along stools may come as streaky threads with excess straining, and sometimes piles and hernia may result with excess straining.
so if you notice your child healthy, but doesnt eat or drink well, or has non specific tummy aches.. may be the child is likely to develop constipation soon.
why does food or stools get so hard in constipation?
often it is felt that, if you drink less water, stool will get hard. it so happens that large gut has capacity to retain fluid from motions. for example in intestinal infections, gut movements get hurried and as large bowel transit time is reduced, the stools comeout as watery or loose.
Stools or feces get hard if the large bowel transit time is longer.
hard foods are hard to break.. (hard phosphate bonds? hard protein bonds?)
hard to cook..
hard to digest...
hard to dissolve by body enzymes..
hard to absorb...
probably a large excess of this will pass down the gut without digestion/absorption.... and get stuck..
cause constipation...
this is how pomegranate and toor daal and milk casein cause constipation...
There is no need for extra heavy protein supplements in normal healthy people unless body has evidence of low protein.
proteins add to immunity but those which are prepared by body.
sugars like cereals... are
easy to break
easy to cook
easy to digest
easy to absorb...
they are often absorbed with water..
dont cause constipation... help in weight gain.
Fibres are good diet to reduce appetite..
to fill stomach... gut..
as fibres arent absorbed..
nor do they add to calories
so cant cause weight gain..
so excess fibres in diet will reduce carbohydrate consumption so will cause poor weight gain.
most fibres dont absorb water... dont get absorbed and add to stool hardening..
surprising isnt it?
read more about constipation cure at
Drinking less water doesnot cause constipation, constipation gives the feeling of fullness of stomach/tummy so hunger reduces and so does the need for taking good water and food. At times constiaped kids pass lots of urine
stool gets harder if we give/take hard to digest diet.
This being the commonest reason for constipation. Common dietary items, that take longer time to digest ( or cook ) are passed to large gut without digestion in sizable mass, especially when we take such hard diet in good quantity in regular diet and the results: traffic jam.
These hard diets include:
casein (milk protein),
Toor daal,
Dry fruits (especially almonds),
Small seeded fruits like say guava, pomegranate,straw berries, and some fibres
Not too easy to digest fruits like apple,
Iron supplements (only 10% gets absorbed),
Heavy animal proteins like liver and meat (exclude baby chicken and baby fish).
These diets apart from quantity, their hardness or protein phosphates or peptide bonds being not easy to digest by an infant or child or adults... pass to large gut undigested, causing their hardening when further water is absorbed by gut and stools start getting harder and harder.
Most formula feeds are milk based so hasten constipation.
Most protein supplements are taken with milk so hasten stool hardening.
Stopping these heavy diets and switching to carbohydrate, cereal based diet with less pulses will help make stools softer.
Most calcium supplements are phosphates and may further make the stools harder. Go for calcium carbonate supplements.. which may make stools loose.
constipation in newborn or infant although more common in formula fed babies, it may also be seen in exclusively breastfed babies. It may be related to high phosphate and protein content of feeds by baby or mother diet.
A simple way to help in addition is avoid cow or buffalo milk or goat milk if any given to child or baby. If the baby is formula fed, add intermittent water sips between feeds, or replace one feed with water for a week. stools get hard when water content of feeds or stools get lesser or the phosphate content rises.
if the child is growing well along growth charts, then this may be a concern at times if it is asociated with bulging abdomen and in addition if the child makes faces, or appears irritable during feeds or cries at times with abdominal distension, child may be given small amount glycerine suppository (1gm Hallens) by his doctor, alternate day for a week or teo to evacuate colon of the hard stuff, simultaneously working towards making the feeds with enough volume by maing one complete feed full liquid/thin for 10 days. sometimes manual removal of feces may be done by your doctor.
constipation at times is a surgical problem due to soem congenital gut anomalies which may require prompt surgical consultation or a sonography of abdomen.
constipation is a chronic problem in school children, formula feds and who have rich milk intake and low calcium intake.
easiest way to improve is
1. wash of stacked piles of stools by repeated bowel wash/ enema not more than 3 a week under medical supervision till tummy distension goes off.
2. improve water intake not to dilute stools but more to prevent bowel tendency to retain water sensing some lack of water in body. water intake may be increased to 1.5 times of prior intake, again under medical supervision.
3. avoid constipating diet like milk, pomegrande and like others, and those containing high proteins
4.add softening diet like ripe bananas, rice, stool softenere
5. rest all medicines dont do much help in chronic constipations.
6. its always prudent to rule out any bowel obstruction by performing a sonography or barium meal as your doctor may suggest.
Above management is true for dietary constipation, improving activity and exercises add to the good mobility of bowel.
Dr Santosh Kondekar Mumbai